Fields marked with * are mandatory
Fees & contact details will be:
- One Delegate
Rs. 6,000
- 5-10 Delegates 5%
- 11-20 Delegates 10%
- 21-50 Delegates
15% Discount
- More than 50 Delegates 20% Discount
Cheque/DD to be sent in favour of “Adsert Web Solutions Pvt Ltd”
And send to
Prateek Goyal
301, Kakad Bhavan, 3rd Floor, 11th Street,Opp. Galaxy Cinema, Bandra West, Mumbai 400050 PH: (022) 66206000
This should to be accompanied by the cover letter mentioning Pitch CMO Summit 2017 Delegate Fees.
For any queries related to Registration, contact:
Prateek Goyal:,
+91 9769124432