Title of Marketing Initiative:
Product (s):
Award Category:
Specify Award Category number:
Name and title of the person who led the initiative:
Others in the marketing team, their role and designation:
Name of the agencies involved:
Agency involved in the initiative (Servicing, planning, creative, Media):
Contact person for clarification:
Phone (mobile):
Describe the marketing initiative:
Objective of the initiative:
Define the targeted consumer segment:
Key inputs that comprise the initiative:
When was the initiative rolled-out:
The market (s) where it was rolled-out:
The approximate cost of the initiative (optional):
What media was used to communicate this initiative?
What was the impact of this initiative on the market share (attach validation / proff) Overall Brand awareness
Brand Share: Volume Value (optional)
Category Share (Multi brand companies) – Volume, Value
Date (dd/mm/yy)
Source of information
Summary of the marketing communication strategy used:

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