
The Awards categories reflect strategic marketing objectives that are common to all organisations. Your submissions will be judged against the marketing achievements of all types of business – rather than just those of direct competitors in your industry sector.

Entrants should provide independent and robust data that support the claims made. The judges will give more weight to quantitative data and comparable trend data over time. Key measures which should ideally be included are sales, profit, market share and customer attitudes.

The Issue (challenge & objective) 15%
The Strategy & Execution 35%
The Result (measurable impact on brand/ product) 35%
The Key Outcomes (that contributed value to the organisation/ measurable impact on overall business) 15%
Total 100%

Brands must provide evidence of how they have achieved outstanding results through incorporating all available means, such as sponsorship, events, PR, advertising and promotions, in a single theme. The Issue may look at the objectives of the project; The Strategy & Execution may include creativity; The Results may have evidence of effectiveness & commercial success; and if applicable, proof of benefit to the overall business and to the umbrella brand.


Submissions must provide evidence of the successful extension of an existing brand into new markets or category, to the long term commercial benefit of the original brand and its owner. The Issue may involve customer insight; The Strategy & Execution may include effective use of resources; The Results may involve incremental sales & commercial success; and if applicable, proof of benefit to the overall business and to the umbrella brand.


Entrants should provide evidence of marketing activity that has successfully channeled public insight of a product or service and achieved substantial results. The Issue may include Identifying the Public Insight that challenges the products/ services perceptions; The Strategy & Execution may involve Problem-solving technique & efficient use of marketing resources; The Result may have information on improved customer perceptions, Increasing sales/market share trends & evidence of success; and if applicable, proof of benefit to the overall business and to the umbrella brand.


This category will honor creative excellence and the best in strategy and style in business-to-business (B2B) marketing. The Issues may include expression of difficulties in building the brand and developing effective communication strategies and business growth; The Strategy & Execution may include information on originality and Innovative approach, while The Results may include evidence of success & return on marketing expenditure; and if applicable, proof of benefit to the overall business and to the umbrella brand.


Marketing campaigns which involve the cooperative efforts of a for-profit business and a non-profit organization for mutual benefit of both parties. The Issues may include brand fit with charity partner or cause; The Strategy & Execution may comprise the information on how the project is ideal for both the partners; The Results may cover Proof of a win- win situation; and if applicable, proof of benefit to the overall business and to the umbrella brand.


Judges will be looking for the best use of research or database analysis, segmentation to provide information on consumer behaviour that has resulted in meeting the objectives of the organization. The Issues may include the credibility of the research process; The Strategy & Execution may include creative application of the research; The Results may involve discovery of insights, change to consumer attitudes, improved brand performance, or a successful new brand launch; and if applicable, proof of benefit to the overall business and to the umbrella brand.


Entrants must provide evidence of how their business developed long-term relationships with established and new customers while helping streamline corporate performance by increased customer retention levels, or by increased revenue per customer, or by improved customer satisfaction levels, or all of these. The Issue may include understanding of customer life time value; The Strategy & Execution may cover original thinking to increase customer revenues; The Result may include return on marketing expenditure; and if applicable, proof of benefit to the overall business and to the umbrella brand.


This category will demonstrate how brands have efficiently used social media, mobile media or any other form of digital marketing to leverage their brand and commercial performance. The Issues may include originality of approach; The Strategy & Execution may cover the methodology adopted; The Results may include the evidence of success and return on marketing expenditure; and if applicable, proof of benefit to the overall business and to the umbrella brand.


The organizations that transact solely or in part online must provide evidence of improved commercial performance online. The Issues may cover points like the need to integrate ecommerce in whole or in part; The Strategy & Execution may comprise information on analysis and creative problem solving; The Result may be expressed as increasing sales and market share trends and evidence of success; and if applicable, proof of benefit to the overall business and to the umbrella brand.


The judges will be looking for examples of effective international brand marketing across any countries/ regions (excluding India). The Issues may involve the complexity of applying learnings from one market to another; The Strategy & Execution may cover innovation & creativity; The Results may include cost efficiencies & evidence of success across markets; and if applicable, proof of benefit to the overall business and to the umbrella brand.


Judges will be looking for proof of the impact of marketing communication on the performance of a brand. The Issue may involve clear identification of Strategic marketing objectives; The Strategy & Execution may involve research & creativity and role of media planning; The Result may cover communications impact, separated from other influencing factors and return on marketing expenditure; and if applicable, proof of benefit to the overall business and to the umbrella brand.


The category seeks the proven effect on the commercial success of a total brand marketing budget within Rs. 5,00,000. The Issue may involve finding a strategy to spread your message; The Strategy & Execution may comprise the originality of approach and creativity & Innovation of the marketing plan; The Result should be the achievements; and if applicable, proof of benefit to the overall business and to the umbrella brand.
NOTE: Top 5 finalists of this category will get a special opportunity to come and present their work in front of the jury on the day of the jury meet.


Entrants need to exhibit a strong commercial success from the creation of a new product/ service from an existing brand owner, or from an emerging business. The Issue may cover Customer Perception; The Strategy & Execution may involve the creation of brand values and effective use of marketing resources; The Result should be the evidence of commercial success; and if applicable, proof of benefit to the overall business and to the umbrella brand.


Entrants must provide the evidence of the methods utilized in marketing campaigns from a not-for-profit cause or public service organisation, which has delivered a concrete and lasting effect. The Issue here may cover the value that needs to be delivered to cause; The Result should cover changes of public perception & return on marketing expenditure; and if applicable, proof of benefit to the overall business and to the umbrella brand.


This award will recognise outstanding contributions in the field of marketing by an Individual marketer, a marketing communication professional, an academician or a marketing expert.

The nominee must have been in the marketing profession for at least 10 years and must meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Innovations that have had dramatic impact on business results
  • Increased the influence of marketing
  • Expanded marketing’s remit to include innovation and growth strategy
  • Developed new marketing tools and approaches or invented new forms of marketing research and measurement
  • Developed other marketers through education, inspiration and specialist programs

The entry for these awards should include the following:

  • A 2000-word profile of the person in Word or PDF file format
  • A high resolution picture of the nominee (at least 1MB)
  • Recommendations from three prominent people in the industry in an A4 size format

This category cannot be entered directly. Candidates will be nominated by members of the Jury and readers of, Impact and Pitch

An external research agency will also draw up the list on the basis of financial health of brand, accolades received, important performance metrics and social media metrics.

The Marketer of the Year will have led the marketing of a brand which has clearly excelled in performance in the award competition period (July 2015 to June 2016) and would be acknowledged by the whole marketing profession to demonstrate marketing excellence.

The Marketer of the Year should be an inspirational figure for all other current marketers, and be capable of representing marketing to the wider business community.

The entry for this award should be a 2000-word (maximum) Word or PDF file containing:

  • Background of the concerned official
  • Growth in last one year
  • Achievements
  • High Res Picture

Upload the CV and high res picture on google drive and provide us the same in the nomination form.

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